Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Left is right... and right is wrong....

Here's whats happening in Samoa.... a rare event.. as rare as seeing Punter Ponting all genuine.I was told this by a collegaue at work sometime back... and was intrigued... in this day and age would it make sense? Guess it does... On Sep 7th, Samoa is switching the side they drive on.I knwo you might say.. 'Ah c'mon.. we do that every once in a while back home'!! :))

Here is the WSJ report.
It is always fascinating how governments and organizations always come up with the best possible acronym... that people will always remember.PASS, is the organization supporting it. Will they.... passs?:)) Guess they'll only have to fear.. fear only and oh.. a huge truck coming at you too!

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